India has a rich heritage of folk theatre. These range from the "Chhau" of south-western West Bengal and northern Odisha to "Lai Haroba" in Manipur. And there is the colourful "Yakshagana" of North Karnataka, full of verve, vigorous dances and fine singing to the accompaniment of the traditional "chhenda" drum. The main centres are near Honavar and Bhatkal in North Karnataka, which may be approached by a 5 or 6 hour journey by train or vehicle from Bangalore or from Goa. A major teaching facility is of the Idagunji Mahaganapati Yakshagana Mandal.
Here, Shri Keremane Shivananda Hegde, who is the third generation teacher and performer, provides instructions in the intricacies of the dancing steps and movements as also in the hymns that are sung during the performance.
This theatre form seems to have emerged about 400 years ago, and is primarily based on themes taken from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. This is now performed not only in the big cities like Bangalore and Mangalore, but also is also very popular in the smaller towns, where travelling troupes, such as that of Idagunji Mahaganapati Yakshagana Mandal peform, mainly commencing with the winter season.